Love Guaranteed Attachment Survey

Please read each of the following statements and rate the extent to which it describes your feelings about romantic relationships. Please think about all your relationships (past and present) and respond in terms of how you generally feel in these relationships.

  1. I find it relatively easy to get close to others
  2. I do not worry about being abandoned
  3. I find it difficult to allow myself to depend on others
  4. In relationships, I often worry that my partner does not really love me.
  5. I find that others are reluctant to get as close as I would like
  6. I am comfortable depending on others.
  7. I do not worry about someone getting too close to me.
  8. I find that people are never there when you need them.
  9. I am somewhat uncomfortable being close to others
  10. In relationships, I often worry that my partner will not want to stay with me.
  11. I want to merge completely with another person.
  12. My desire to merge sometimes scares people away.
  13. I am comfortable having others depend on me.
  14. I know that people will be there when I need them.
  15. I am nervous when anyone gets too close.
  16. I find it difficult to trust others completetly.
  17. Often, partners want me to be closer than I feel comfortable being.
  18. I am not sure that I can always depend on others to be there when I need them.

Please use the scale below by placing a number between 1 and 5 in the space provided to the right of each statement.